Monday, October 22, 2007

Moringa update

My internet has been excessively bad all weekend and posting pictures hasn't been an option. Now though there are pics up from Mawe Hai from Friday.

I went out to Mawe in the morning by myself and was rather surprised by the road. It is fascinating how much the roads change here. It's more like a river than a road, always changing and never the same. The potholes were all in different spots and the side of the road (where a lot of the driving occurs) was different too. Sometimes we go off the road onto the side to avoid potholes but then the side of the road gets its own potholes, so you are always on your toes. At one point though I was going almost 70 km/hour and that was pretty much the fastest I've ever gone here so that was fun.

The moringa is growing fairly well I think. It's been almost a month and the plants that are growing are doing all right, but I'm pretty disappointed at the germination rate. Something really cool though is the branches of Moringa we planted are growing now too. They have sprouts and I'm really excited about that. If those would grow well and might even be better than the seeds (you can plant them from 2 feet to 4 feet long so that's a pretty big head start over the seeds) we could use that for short distance, short transition time plantings.

They are also expanding a lot at Mawe. They have beds formed and are waiting for soil to put in them. It's cool to go too because it is always changing with different things being planted and harvested and is cool to see function. I'm really excited to see how it will change over the year I'm here.

I'm hoping Wilfrieda will be back this week and we can talk and start doing some stuff again. I'm running out of ideas and feel like actually doing some work. There are pics of the Moringa under the second album on the right hand side of the site. Check it out, and they should be the last pictures now.

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