Monday, September 24, 2007


So how does one plant on rock? Well, in pots of course. At least to start with. Today I went to Mawe Hai to make a planting bed for the Moringa. The lava rocks are used as a boarder around the planting area (a very good use of the rocks) and then we constructed the shade. The workers there had already done the posts (I'm not really sure how they managed to do that) and then Wilfrida and I made the shade. Wilfrida is going to be "in charge" of me, or will be my mentor as I learn what's going on.
To make shade mats you use small bamboo and two lines of twine about two and a half feet apart. The sticks for the bamboo are about three and a half feet long. The process involves tying a knot in the rope after each piece of bamboo is put down and it makes a rather nice shade cloth.
I made the mistake of looking at my hands (they didn't hurt, but I hadn't done work in a long time so I just changed how I was doing things) and then Wilfreda wanted to change jobs. She didn't say anything, but I knew she was doing it because she thought my hands were sore.
Once the posts and shade were made, and the area enclosed, the soil was brought in. We are going to try planting the moringa on the soil and in pots and see which one does better.
Oh, and I drove today. It was only for like 15 minutes, but it was all right. It was a gravel road for a while and then a dirt/lava road for a while and then a paved road (with pot holes). It was actually kind of fun. There were a gazillion more people than cars and the steering wheel was on the right (but we drive on the right too, there are just about a 50/50 mix left and right steering wheeled cars). I don't have my license yet, but It wasn't far and their weren't any police so it was all right. Pretty soon I'll be driving like the natives, weaving in and out of people and carts and being in general, crazy.

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