Monday, September 24, 2007

The Weekend

So pretty much the guest house looks like a resort the way it is. During the weekend though, when nobody has anything to do and we just hang around, it definitely looks like a resort. Saturday (because the team was here) we went around town a bit and saw a green volcanic lake (nothing cool, its just green because of algae) and then went to the market and a wood carving shop. Those last two were pretty cool and I can't wait till I learn some Swahili and I can talk to the people. And that was pretty much it. I know I went swimming like 3 different times and just relaxed, did some reading, and just had a very relaxing time. Almost too much so since I don't feel pressured during the week either. I almost felt like I was wasting time... almost.

Sunday was very cool. We went to the French service at the church and that was cool. The sermon was pretty good (translated) and I think once I learn a language here it will be very beneficial to go. After church everyone at the guest house went to a hotel where they had a buffet lunch. It was Mexican and very good. The stuffed peppers and grilled goat were particularly delicious. And after the buffet they served dinner at the guest house anyways. Granted it was like 5 hours later, but no one was hungry.

Once I know what's going on more and fall into a routine, I think the weekends will be great. I can go shopping, relax, sleep, swim, read, walk around, do nothing, etc... Everything is just slower here and I really like it.

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