Friday, January 4, 2008

The Dry Season

I do believe the dry season is upon us. I hear it starts about now and we haven't had rain in a while, maybe even a good rain in about a week. The vegetables at Mawe Hai are looking a bit limp as the sun bears down upon them in full force and the thin soil is suffering for want of water. What does this mean? Watering the plants is another job added to the list for the Mawe staff. Also, there is dirt and dust everywhere. I worked yesterday and wore jeans and a t-shirt and shoes. My legs were covered in dirt. I never took them off, and I didn't stuff dirt down them for fun. The only two possibilities I can come up with are it's so dusty that it came up from the bottom, or it just went right through the pants. I haven't decided which is more likely since to me, neither one makes sense. My left eye is also bothering me a bit and I think it has to do with the dust. It's not bad, it's just annoying every once in a while. Maybe if I got someone to hit me really hard I would cry and clean it out.

Oh, and when I got back to Maji yesteray, I had the blackest nasal effluent I've ever seen. It wasn't a bit dirty or gray, spotted, or anything like that. My boogers were completely black.

I was talking to Wilfrieda today and figured out the work schedule of the workers at Mawe Hai. Mawe has 11 workers. Two guards, a head worker, and two teams of 4 workers each. The head worker is there most days unless he has other business. This is Moese (Moses) and he's either at Mawe or on other business for HEAL Africa. The two teams then each get one week off a month. The first week of the month team 1 works. Then both teams work for two weeks, and then team 2 works the fourth week. I'm not sure how they do the rest of the month, or if they just start over after that. After each month Wilfrieda assesses the workers and decides if they get to stay or not (I'm sure Moese helps too). The workers get paid 55 dollars a month with one week off a month.

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